Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Apparently this is what everybody is watching on youtube, There's no way you can watch it and not be affected, I'm still crying.
Music, it nourishes the soul.
Love it.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Blue Sky and Crisp Morrnings

Spring springs,but autumn settles gracefully, nows the chance to plant our winter vegges without them going to seed. I love that this one still gets a kick out of planting our crop.
The middle two fought over the watering can, then over who had the butter knife, glad we had the forsight to put the sandpit in the middle of our vegetable mandala.

This one was happy as long as we could keep up the supply and demand of baby peas.

Hoping you had a lovely Easter break, we went home to my family on the Murray River, I'll post some photo's soon.
These eggs were dyed with silk ties, I love the paisley colours. There's a great tutorial over here

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

New Dress

I actually made this dress at christmas time, just finally getting around to posting it.
The fabric is pink pique, I adore bishop style dresses, they seem to me less formal, and they fit for longer. Now that Alice is walking we can do the dress thingy.
I picked up a couple of lovely petticoats at our annual school fair last week, my, they really do make dresses sit so much better.
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